The end

Ferris the teacher

You have now developed and published a simple game written in the programming language Rust and the game library Macroquad. While there is still a lot to be done to make it into a complete game, you should now have a solid foundation to improve the game further.

Try the game

Click to play the game to see how it will look when it’s finished.

Ideas for improvement

Here are some ideas on how to improve the game to make it more fun to play:

  • Add more enemies with different movements and graphics
  • Add life to enemies so bigger enemies needs to shot multiple times before they are destroyed
  • Allow enemies to shoot bullets or drop bombs themselves
  • Make enemies show up in waves instead of just randomly
  • Add levels with increasing difficulty
  • Upgrades that improve the weapons or add different types of weapons
  • Add big boss enemies at the end of levels
  • Extra lives
  • Add health and display a health bar
  • Add an upgrade with a shield around the spaceship
  • Store the top ten scores and add a highscore screen
  • Use macroquad-tiled to make a level with graphical background
  • Add a shop between levels to buy upgrades
  • Make the spaceship invulnerable and blinking for a short while after resurrection
  • Look at the Macroquad post processing example on how to add a CRT shader
  • Use the font from the graphical menu chapter for all texts in the game
  • Show a victory sequence at the end of each level
  • Support two simultaneous players

Other resources

These are some other resources for the Macroquad game library.

Game showcase

If you have completed this game guide and published your game online, you can have your game showcased on this page. You can open a PR in the GitHub repository and add a link to your game in the list below.
