1. Copyright
  2. Acknowledgments
  3. Table of contents
  4. Game development in Rust with Macroquad
  5. Your first Macroquad app
  6. Fly away
  7. Smooth movement
  8. Falling squares
  9. Collision
  10. Bullet hell
  11. Points
  12. Game state
  13. Starfield shader
  14. Particle explosions
  15. Graphics
    1. Spaceship and bullets
    2. Graphical explosions
    3. Animated enemies
  16. Music and sound effects
  17. Graphical menu
  18. Resources
    1. Resources and errors
    2. Coroutines and Storage
  19. Release your game
    1. Build for desktop
    2. Build for the web
    3. Build for Android
    4. Build for iOS
  20. The end
  21. Full source code
  22. Credits
  23. Glossary