Particle explosions



We don’t want the squares to just disappear when they are hit by a bullet. So now we’ll make use of the Macroquad particle system to generate explosions. With the particle system you can easily create and draw many small particles on the screen based on a base configuration. In our case the particles will start from the center of the square and move outwards in all directions. In a later chapter we will add a graphical image to the particles to make it look even more like a real explosion.


Add the particle crate

The code for Macroquads particle system is in a separate crate. Start by adding it to the Cargo.toml file, either by changing the file by hand, or by running the following command:

cargo add macroquad-particles

The following line will be added to the Cargo.toml file under the heading [dependencies].

name = "my-game"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"

# See more keys and their definitions at

macroquad = { version = "0.4" }
macroquad-particles = "0.2.2"

Bug in macroquad-particles

Version 0.2.2 of macroquad-particles doesn’t support the latest version of Macroquad. If you get an error when compiling you can try using both macroquad and macroquad-particles crates directly from git by adding the following section to the Cargo.toml file.

macroquad = { git = "" }
macroquad-particles = { git = "" }

Import crate

At the top of we need to import the things we use from the macroquad_particles module.

use macroquad_particles::{self as particles, ColorCurve, Emitter, EmitterConfig};

Particle configuration

We’ll use the same configuration for all the explosions, and will only change the size based on the sizes of the squares. Create a function that returns an EmitterConfig that can be used to create an Emitter. The Emitter is a point from where particles can be generated.

fn particle_explosion() -> particles::EmitterConfig {
    particles::EmitterConfig {
        local_coords: false,
        one_shot: true,
        emitting: true,
        lifetime: 0.6,
        lifetime_randomness: 0.3,
        explosiveness: 0.65,
        initial_direction_spread: 2.0 * std::f32::consts::PI,
        initial_velocity: 300.0,
        initial_velocity_randomness: 0.8,
        size: 3.0,
        size_randomness: 0.3,
        colors_curve: ColorCurve {
            start: RED,
            mid: ORANGE,
            end: RED,

Emitter API documentation

There are a lot of different things to configure in an Emitter. The fields of EmitterConfig are described in the documentation of the module macroquad-particles.

Vector of explosions

We need another vector to keep track of all the explosions. It includes a tuple with an Emitter and the coordinate it should be drawn at.

    let mut explosions: Vec<(Emitter, Vec2)> = vec![];

When we start a new game, we need to clear the vector of explosions.

                if is_key_pressed(KeyCode::Space) {
                    circle.x = screen_width() / 2.0;
                    circle.y = screen_height() / 2.0;
                    score = 0;
                    game_state = GameState::Playing;

Create an explosion

When a square is hit by a bullet, we’ll create a new Emitter based on the configuration from particle_explosion(), with the addition that the number of particles is based on the size of the square. The coordinates where the particles are generated should be the same as the coordinates of the square.

                for square in squares.iter_mut() {
                    for bullet in bullets.iter_mut() {
                        if bullet.collides_with(square) {
                            bullet.collided = true;
                            square.collided = true;
                            score += square.size.round() as u32;
                            high_score = high_score.max(score);
                                Emitter::new(EmitterConfig {
                                    amount: square.size.round() as u32 * 2,
                                vec2(square.x, square.y),

Removing explosions

When the emitter has finished drawing all the particles, we need to remove them from the explosions vector so that we stop trying to draw it. Add the following code below the code that removes squares and bullets.

                explosions.retain(|(explosion, _)| explosion.config.emitting);

Drawing explosions

After drawing all the squares, we can loop through the explosions vector and draw them. We only need to send in the coordinates where the particles will be generated, then the emitter will randomize and move all the particles by itself.

                for (explosion, coords) in explosions.iter_mut() {

It’s time to try the game to see if there are particle explosions when the squares get hit by bullets.

Challenge: Rocket exhaust

Read the documentation for EmitterConfig and try what happens if you change different values. Can you add a particle system that shoots particles out the back of the circle so it looks like a rocket exhaust?

Full source code

Click to show the the full source code
use macroquad::prelude::*;
use macroquad_particles::{self as particles, ColorCurve, Emitter, EmitterConfig};

use std::fs;

const FRAGMENT_SHADER: &str = include_str!("starfield-shader.glsl");

const VERTEX_SHADER: &str = "#version 100
attribute vec3 position;
attribute vec2 texcoord;
attribute vec4 color0;
varying float iTime;

uniform mat4 Model;
uniform mat4 Projection;
uniform vec4 _Time;

void main() {
    gl_Position = Projection * Model * vec4(position, 1);
    iTime = _Time.x;

struct Shape {
    size: f32,
    speed: f32,
    x: f32,
    y: f32,
    collided: bool,

impl Shape {
    fn collides_with(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {

    fn rect(&self) -> Rect {
        Rect {
            x: self.x - self.size / 2.0,
            y: self.y - self.size / 2.0,
            w: self.size,
            h: self.size,

enum GameState {

fn particle_explosion() -> particles::EmitterConfig {
    particles::EmitterConfig {
        local_coords: false,
        one_shot: true,
        emitting: true,
        lifetime: 0.6,
        lifetime_randomness: 0.3,
        explosiveness: 0.65,
        initial_direction_spread: 2.0 * std::f32::consts::PI,
        initial_velocity: 300.0,
        initial_velocity_randomness: 0.8,
        size: 3.0,
        size_randomness: 0.3,
        colors_curve: ColorCurve {
            start: RED,
            mid: ORANGE,
            end: RED,

#[macroquad::main("My game")]
async fn main() {
    const MOVEMENT_SPEED: f32 = 200.0;

    rand::srand(miniquad::date::now() as u64);
    let mut squares = vec![];
    let mut bullets: Vec<Shape> = vec![];
    let mut circle = Shape {
        size: 32.0,
        speed: MOVEMENT_SPEED,
        x: screen_width() / 2.0,
        y: screen_height() / 2.0,
        collided: false,
    let mut score: u32 = 0;
    let mut high_score: u32 = fs::read_to_string("highscore.dat")
        .map_or(Ok(0), |i| i.parse::<u32>())
    let mut game_state = GameState::MainMenu;

    let mut direction_modifier: f32 = 0.0;
    let render_target = render_target(320, 150);
    let material = load_material(
        ShaderSource::Glsl {
            vertex: VERTEX_SHADER,
            fragment: FRAGMENT_SHADER,
        MaterialParams {
            uniforms: vec![
                UniformDesc::new("iResolution", UniformType::Float2),
                UniformDesc::new("direction_modifier", UniformType::Float1),

    let mut explosions: Vec<(Emitter, Vec2)> = vec![];

    loop {

        material.set_uniform("iResolution", (screen_width(), screen_height()));
        material.set_uniform("direction_modifier", direction_modifier);
            DrawTextureParams {
                dest_size: Some(vec2(screen_width(), screen_height())),

        match game_state {
            GameState::MainMenu => {
                if is_key_pressed(KeyCode::Escape) {
                if is_key_pressed(KeyCode::Space) {
                    circle.x = screen_width() / 2.0;
                    circle.y = screen_height() / 2.0;
                    score = 0;
                    game_state = GameState::Playing;
                let text = "Press space";
                let text_dimensions = measure_text(text, None, 50, 1.0);
                    screen_width() / 2.0 - text_dimensions.width / 2.0,
                    screen_height() / 2.0,
            GameState::Playing => {
                let delta_time = get_frame_time();
                if is_key_down(KeyCode::Right) {
                    circle.x += MOVEMENT_SPEED * delta_time;
                    direction_modifier += 0.05 * delta_time;
                if is_key_down(KeyCode::Left) {
                    circle.x -= MOVEMENT_SPEED * delta_time;
                    direction_modifier -= 0.05 * delta_time;
                if is_key_down(KeyCode::Down) {
                    circle.y += MOVEMENT_SPEED * delta_time;
                if is_key_down(KeyCode::Up) {
                    circle.y -= MOVEMENT_SPEED * delta_time;
                if is_key_pressed(KeyCode::Space) {
                    bullets.push(Shape {
                        x: circle.x,
                        y: circle.y,
                        speed: circle.speed * 2.0,
                        size: 5.0,
                        collided: false,
                if is_key_pressed(KeyCode::Escape) {
                    game_state = GameState::Paused;

                // Clamp X and Y to be within the screen
                circle.x = clamp(circle.x, 0.0, screen_width());
                circle.y = clamp(circle.y, 0.0, screen_height());

                // Generate a new square
                if rand::gen_range(0, 99) >= 95 {
                    let size = rand::gen_range(16.0, 64.0);
                    squares.push(Shape {
                        speed: rand::gen_range(50.0, 150.0),
                        x: rand::gen_range(size / 2.0, screen_width() - size / 2.0),
                        y: -size,
                        collided: false,

                // Movement
                for square in &mut squares {
                    square.y += square.speed * delta_time;
                for bullet in &mut bullets {
                    bullet.y -= bullet.speed * delta_time;

                // Remove shapes outside of screen
                squares.retain(|square| square.y < screen_height() + square.size);
                bullets.retain(|bullet| bullet.y > 0.0 - bullet.size / 2.0);

                // Remove collided shapes
                squares.retain(|square| !square.collided);
                bullets.retain(|bullet| !bullet.collided);

                // Remove old explosions
                explosions.retain(|(explosion, _)| explosion.config.emitting);

                // Check for collisions
                if squares.iter().any(|square| circle.collides_with(square)) {
                    if score == high_score {
                        fs::write("highscore.dat", high_score.to_string()).ok();
                    game_state = GameState::GameOver;
                for square in squares.iter_mut() {
                    for bullet in bullets.iter_mut() {
                        if bullet.collides_with(square) {
                            bullet.collided = true;
                            square.collided = true;
                            score += square.size.round() as u32;
                            high_score = high_score.max(score);
                                Emitter::new(EmitterConfig {
                                    amount: square.size.round() as u32 * 2,
                                vec2(square.x, square.y),

                // Draw everything
                for bullet in &bullets {
                    draw_circle(bullet.x, bullet.y, bullet.size / 2.0, RED);
                draw_circle(circle.x, circle.y, circle.size / 2.0, YELLOW);
                for square in &squares {
                        square.x - square.size / 2.0,
                        square.y - square.size / 2.0,
                for (explosion, coords) in explosions.iter_mut() {
                    format!("Score: {}", score).as_str(),
                let highscore_text = format!("High score: {}", high_score);
                let text_dimensions = measure_text(highscore_text.as_str(), None, 25, 1.0);
                    screen_width() - text_dimensions.width - 10.0,
            GameState::Paused => {
                if is_key_pressed(KeyCode::Space) {
                    game_state = GameState::Playing;
                let text = "Paused";
                let text_dimensions = measure_text(text, None, 50, 1.0);
                    screen_width() / 2.0 - text_dimensions.width / 2.0,
                    screen_height() / 2.0,
            GameState::GameOver => {
                if is_key_pressed(KeyCode::Space) {
                    game_state = GameState::MainMenu;
                let text = "GAME OVER!";
                let text_dimensions = measure_text(text, None, 50, 1.0);
                    screen_width() / 2.0 - text_dimensions.width / 2.0,
                    screen_height() / 2.0,



Try your knowledge by answering the following quiz before you move on to the next chapter.
