Starfield shader



The purple background on the screen is starting to feel a bit boring. Instead we’ll add something more interesting. We’ll use a pixel shader to display a moving starfield in the background. How to implement a shader is outside the scope of this guide, so we’ll use one that has already been prepared for us.

In short, a shader is a small program that runs on the GPU of the computer. They are written in a C-like programming language called GLSL. The shader is made up of two parts, a vertex shader and a fragment shader. The vertex shader converts from coordinates in a 3D environment to the 2D coordinates of the screen. Whereas the fragment shader is run for every pixel on the screen to set the variable gl_FragColor to define the color that pixel should have. Since our game is entirely in 2D, the vertex shader won’t do anything other than setting the position.



At the top of the file we’ll add a vertex shader, the fragment shader will be loaded from a file that we will add later. We’ll use the Rust macro include_str!() to read the file as a &str at compile time. The vertex shader is so short that it can be added directly in the Rust source code.

The most important line in the vertex shader is the line that sets gl_Position. For simplicity’s sake we’ll also set the iTime variable that is used by the fragment shader from _Time.x. It would also be possible to use _Time directly in the fragment shader, but it would mean we have to change it slightly.

const FRAGMENT_SHADER: &str = include_str!("starfield-shader.glsl");

const VERTEX_SHADER: &str = "#version 100
attribute vec3 position;
attribute vec2 texcoord;
attribute vec4 color0;
varying float iTime;

uniform mat4 Model;
uniform mat4 Projection;
uniform vec4 _Time;

void main() {
    gl_Position = Projection * Model * vec4(position, 1);
    iTime = _Time.x;

Initialize the shader

In the main() function, above the loop, we need to setup a few variables to be able to use the shader. We start by adding the variable direction_modifier that will be used to change the direction of the stars horizontally, depending on whether the circle is moved left or right. After that we create a render_target to which the shader will be rendered.

Now we can create a Material with the vertex shader and the fragment shader using the enum ShaderSource::Glsl.

In the parameters we’ll also setup two uniforms for the shader that are global variables that we can set for every frame. The uniform iResolution will contain the size of the window and direction_modifier is used to control the direction of the stars.

    let mut direction_modifier: f32 = 0.0;
    let render_target = render_target(320, 150);
    let material = load_material(
        ShaderSource::Glsl {
            vertex: VERTEX_SHADER,
            fragment: FRAGMENT_SHADER,
        MaterialParams {
            uniforms: vec![
                UniformDesc::new("iResolution", UniformType::Float2),
                UniformDesc::new("direction_modifier", UniformType::Float1),

Available uniforms

Macroquad will automatically add some uniforms to all shaders. The available uniforms are _Time, Model, Projection, Texture, and _ScreenTexture.

Draw the shader

It’s now time to change the purple background to our new starfield. Change the line clear_background(DARKPURPLE); to the code below.

The first thing we need to do is to set the window resolution to the material uniform iResolution. We’ll also set the direction_modifier uniform to the same value as the corresponding variable.

After this we’ll use the function gl_use_material() to use the material. Finally we can use the function draw_texture_ex() to draw the texture from our render_target on the background of the screen. Before we continue we’ll restore the shader with the function gl_use_default_material() so that it won’t be used when drawing the rest of the game.


        material.set_uniform("iResolution", (screen_width(), screen_height()));
        material.set_uniform("direction_modifier", direction_modifier);
            DrawTextureParams {
                dest_size: Some(vec2(screen_width(), screen_height())),

Controlling the stars

When the player holds down the left or right arrow key we’ll add or subtract a value from the variable direction_modifier so that the shader can control the movement of the stars. Remember to multiply the value with delta_time so that the change is relative to framerate, just like when doing the movement.

               if is_key_down(KeyCode::Right) {
                   circle.x += MOVEMENT_SPEED * delta_time;
                   direction_modifier += 0.05 * delta_time;
               if is_key_down(KeyCode::Left) {
                   circle.x -= MOVEMENT_SPEED * delta_time;
                   direction_modifier -= 0.05 * delta_time;

Create the shader file

Now create a file with the name starfield-shader.glsl in the src directory to contain the fragment shader and add the following code:

#version 100

// Starfield Tutorial by Martijn Steinrucken aka BigWings - 2020
// License Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
// From The Art of Code:

precision highp float;

varying vec4 color;
varying vec2 uv;
varying float iTime;

uniform vec2 iResolution;
uniform float direction_modifier;

#define NUM_LAYERS 4.

mat2 Rot(float a) {
    float s = sin(a), c = cos(a);
    return mat2(c, -s, s, c);

float Star(vec2 uv, float flare) {
    float d = length(uv);
    float m = .05 / d;

    float rays = max(0., 1. - abs(uv.x * uv.y * 1000.));
    m += rays * flare;
    uv *= Rot(3.1415 / 4.);
    rays = max(0., 1. - abs(uv.x * uv.y * 1000.));
    m += rays * .3 * flare;

    m *= smoothstep(1., .2, d);

    return m;

float Hash21(vec2 p) {
    p = fract(p * vec2(123.34, 456.21));
    p += dot(p, p + 45.32);
    return fract(p.x * p.y);

vec3 StarLayer(vec2 uv) {
    vec3 col = vec3(0);

    vec2 gv = fract(uv) - .5;
    vec2 id = floor(uv);

    float t = iTime * 0.1;
    for (int y = -1; y <= 1; y++) {
        for (int x = -1; x <= 1; x++) {
            vec2 offs = vec2(x, y);

            float n = Hash21(id + offs); // random between 0 and 1
            float size = fract(n * 345.32);
            float star = Star(gv - offs - vec2(n, fract(n * 42.)) + .5, smoothstep(.9, 1., size) * .6);
            vec3 color = sin(vec3(.8, .8, .8) * fract(n * 2345.2) * 123.2) * .5 + .5;
            color = color * vec3(0.25, 0.25, 0.20);
            star *= sin(iTime * 3. + n * 6.2831) * .5 + 1.;
            col += star * size * color;
    return col;

void main()
    vec2 uv = (gl_FragCoord.xy - .5 * iResolution.xy) / iResolution.y;
    float t = iTime * .02;

    float speed = 3.0;
    vec2 direction = vec2(-0.25 + direction_modifier, -1.0) * speed;

    uv += direction;
    vec3 col = vec3(0);

    for (float i = 0.; i < 1.; i += 1. / NUM_LAYERS) {
        float depth = fract(i+t);
        float scale = mix(20., .5, depth);
        float fade = depth * smoothstep(1., .9, depth);
        col += StarLayer(uv * scale + i * 453.2) * fade;

    gl_FragColor = vec4(col, 1.0);

Shader Coding tutorial video

If you want to know how the shader works you can watch the video Shader Coding: Making a starfield by The Art of Code.

Our starfield is now done and the game is starting to look like it takes place in outer space.

Challenge: Star colors

Look at the video Shader Coding: Making a starfield and see if you can change the color and size of the stars.

Full source code

Click to show the the full source code
use macroquad::prelude::*;

use std::fs;

const FRAGMENT_SHADER: &str = include_str!("starfield-shader.glsl");

const VERTEX_SHADER: &str = "#version 100
attribute vec3 position;
attribute vec2 texcoord;
attribute vec4 color0;
varying float iTime;

uniform mat4 Model;
uniform mat4 Projection;
uniform vec4 _Time;

void main() {
    gl_Position = Projection * Model * vec4(position, 1);
    iTime = _Time.x;

struct Shape {
    size: f32,
    speed: f32,
    x: f32,
    y: f32,
    collided: bool,

impl Shape {
    fn collides_with(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {

    fn rect(&self) -> Rect {
        Rect {
            x: self.x - self.size / 2.0,
            y: self.y - self.size / 2.0,
            w: self.size,
            h: self.size,

enum GameState {

#[macroquad::main("My game")]
async fn main() {
    const MOVEMENT_SPEED: f32 = 200.0;

    rand::srand(miniquad::date::now() as u64);
    let mut squares = vec![];
    let mut bullets: Vec<Shape> = vec![];
    let mut circle = Shape {
        size: 32.0,
        speed: MOVEMENT_SPEED,
        x: screen_width() / 2.0,
        y: screen_height() / 2.0,
        collided: false,
    let mut score: u32 = 0;
    let mut high_score: u32 = fs::read_to_string("highscore.dat")
        .map_or(Ok(0), |i| i.parse::<u32>())
    let mut game_state = GameState::MainMenu;

    let mut direction_modifier: f32 = 0.0;
    let render_target = render_target(320, 150);
    let material = load_material(
        ShaderSource::Glsl {
            vertex: VERTEX_SHADER,
            fragment: FRAGMENT_SHADER,
        MaterialParams {
            uniforms: vec![
                UniformDesc::new("iResolution", UniformType::Float2),
                UniformDesc::new("direction_modifier", UniformType::Float1),

    loop {

        material.set_uniform("iResolution", (screen_width(), screen_height()));
        material.set_uniform("direction_modifier", direction_modifier);
            DrawTextureParams {
                dest_size: Some(vec2(screen_width(), screen_height())),

        match game_state {
            GameState::MainMenu => {
                if is_key_pressed(KeyCode::Escape) {
                if is_key_pressed(KeyCode::Space) {
                    circle.x = screen_width() / 2.0;
                    circle.y = screen_height() / 2.0;
                    score = 0;
                    game_state = GameState::Playing;
                let text = "Press space";
                let text_dimensions = measure_text(text, None, 50, 1.0);
                    screen_width() / 2.0 - text_dimensions.width / 2.0,
                    screen_height() / 2.0,
            GameState::Playing => {
                let delta_time = get_frame_time();
                if is_key_down(KeyCode::Right) {
                    circle.x += MOVEMENT_SPEED * delta_time;
                    direction_modifier += 0.05 * delta_time;
                if is_key_down(KeyCode::Left) {
                    circle.x -= MOVEMENT_SPEED * delta_time;
                    direction_modifier -= 0.05 * delta_time;
                if is_key_down(KeyCode::Down) {
                    circle.y += MOVEMENT_SPEED * delta_time;
                if is_key_down(KeyCode::Up) {
                    circle.y -= MOVEMENT_SPEED * delta_time;
                if is_key_pressed(KeyCode::Space) {
                    bullets.push(Shape {
                        x: circle.x,
                        y: circle.y,
                        speed: circle.speed * 2.0,
                        size: 5.0,
                        collided: false,
                if is_key_pressed(KeyCode::Escape) {
                    game_state = GameState::Paused;

                // Clamp X and Y to be within the screen
                circle.x = clamp(circle.x, 0.0, screen_width());
                circle.y = clamp(circle.y, 0.0, screen_height());

                // Generate a new square
                if rand::gen_range(0, 99) >= 95 {
                    let size = rand::gen_range(16.0, 64.0);
                    squares.push(Shape {
                        speed: rand::gen_range(50.0, 150.0),
                        x: rand::gen_range(size / 2.0, screen_width() - size / 2.0),
                        y: -size,
                        collided: false,

                // Movement
                for square in &mut squares {
                    square.y += square.speed * delta_time;
                for bullet in &mut bullets {
                    bullet.y -= bullet.speed * delta_time;

                // Remove shapes outside of screen
                squares.retain(|square| square.y < screen_height() + square.size);
                bullets.retain(|bullet| bullet.y > 0.0 - bullet.size / 2.0);

                // Remove collided shapes
                squares.retain(|square| !square.collided);
                bullets.retain(|bullet| !bullet.collided);

                // Check for collisions
                if squares.iter().any(|square| circle.collides_with(square)) {
                    if score == high_score {
                        fs::write("highscore.dat", high_score.to_string()).ok();
                    game_state = GameState::GameOver;
                for square in squares.iter_mut() {
                    for bullet in bullets.iter_mut() {
                        if bullet.collides_with(square) {
                            bullet.collided = true;
                            square.collided = true;
                            score += square.size.round() as u32;
                            high_score = high_score.max(score);

                // Draw everything
                for bullet in &bullets {
                    draw_circle(bullet.x, bullet.y, bullet.size / 2.0, RED);
                draw_circle(circle.x, circle.y, circle.size / 2.0, YELLOW);
                for square in &squares {
                        square.x - square.size / 2.0,
                        square.y - square.size / 2.0,
                    format!("Score: {}", score).as_str(),
                let highscore_text = format!("High score: {}", high_score);
                let text_dimensions = measure_text(highscore_text.as_str(), None, 25, 1.0);
                    screen_width() - text_dimensions.width - 10.0,
            GameState::Paused => {
                if is_key_pressed(KeyCode::Space) {
                    game_state = GameState::Playing;
                let text = "Paused";
                let text_dimensions = measure_text(text, None, 50, 1.0);
                    screen_width() / 2.0 - text_dimensions.width / 2.0,
                    screen_height() / 2.0,
            GameState::GameOver => {
                if is_key_pressed(KeyCode::Space) {
                    game_state = GameState::MainMenu;
                let text = "GAME OVER!";
                let text_dimensions = measure_text(text, None, 50, 1.0);
                    screen_width() / 2.0 - text_dimensions.width / 2.0,
                    screen_height() / 2.0,



Try your knowledge by answering the following quiz before you move on to the next chapter.
